Dari lebah
akan dihasilkan :
- . Madu
- Royal Jelly
- Bee Pollen
- Propolis
- Bee Venom (sengat lebah)
Sarang Lebah…
( bisa dibuat pepes sarang lebah)
Apabila disinergikan dalam terapi hasilnya sangat luar biasa….
Keindahan Struktur Madu
Alat :
- Piring kecil ( warna terang / putih lebih baik )
- Madu
- Sendok
- Air matang ( agar supaya setelah percobaan bisa di minum)
Cara melihat struktur madu ( Hexagonal)
Siapkan piring
Masukkan satu (1) sendok madu kedalam piring
Masukkan Air 4-5 sendok kedalam piring
Selanjuntnya angkat piring dengan dua tangan dan
di ayunkan perlahan sampai sebagian
madu mulai larut… dan perlahan struktur Hexagonal seperti sarang lebah akan
terlihat bila terpapar cahaya akan lebih jelas.
Step 2
Note: Hexagonal structure will be very clearly seen by looking directly (do at your home)
At least from the bee will be generated:
- Honey
- Royal Jelly
- Bee Pollen
- Propolis
- Bee Venom (bee sting)
Bees nest ... (can be made pepes honeycomb)
If the synergy in the therapeutic results were incredible ....
The beauty of the structure of Honey:
Small plates (the color of the light / white is better)
Boiled water ( after trial can drink)
How to view the structure of the honey (Hexagonal)
- Prepare a small dish
- Enter one (1) tablespoon of honey into the plate
- Put 4-5 tablespoons of water into the dish
- Next... lift plate with both hands and slowly swing some honey ... and slowly began to dissolve Hexagonal honeycomb-like . the structure will be visible when exposed to light will be more obvious.
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